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Publisher’s Comments and Table of Contents – September 2024

| 18th October 2024

Welcome to the Appropriate Technology September 2024 issue.

In this September issue, we explore innovations and partnerships for a sustainable future.

Our News Briefing spotlights China’s dual-tower solar thermal plant, a milestone in renewable energy, alongside a breakthrough concept “food out of thin air,” which aims to enhance food security by reducing dependence on traditional farming.

In Agriculture & Food, Africa’s leadership in climate-smart crops addresses malnutrition while boosting exports. This aligns with the African Fertiliser and Soil Health Summit, which intro­duced a new fertiliser made from marine bacteria, combining productivity with environmental stewardship.

Our Education & Knowledge section highlights a net-zero cement innovation that could lead to carbon-neutral construction by reducing emissions in a traditionally high-impact sector.

In Health & Wellbeing, we celebrate Africa’s expanding vaccine production capacity, promising faster local access to critical treatments. Our Distributed Manufacturing section presents three final case studies - Protege BR, Robries, and Wazi Vision - showcasing how localised manufacturing can transform healthcare and strengthen community resilience.

Engineering for Change presents six toolkits promoting gender-inclusive practices to create equitable engineering solutions. Prolinnova’s report from The International Farmer Innovation Fair highlights grassroots sustainable farming, featuring child nutrition insights from Kenyan women. We also explore Sand Dams as a sustainable solution for Drylands. Tree Aid shares the top five trees supporting rural women and promoting ecological health.

Our special feature “Focus on the Pacific” covers early warning systems and ecosystem protection, demonstrating the impact of community-driven efforts on vulnerable islands.

We honour Ashden Awards 2024 winners, celebrating leaders in sustainable energy. Our book review, “Walking Barefoot the Tilonia Way,” showcases transformative rural development stories.

In Fab Labs, innovation thrives as accessible technology and collaboration empower commu­nities to tackle pressing challenges. Through a partnership with Appropedia, these labs help turn ideas into practical solutions.

This issue embodies the movement toward sustainable, resilient solutions through innovation, collaboration, and community leadership, inviting everyone to help build a better future.

Ras Patel - Publishing Director

Contents Appropriate Technology September 2024
Volume 51, Number 3

News Briefing
China commissions world’s first dual-tower solar thermal plant
‘Food out of thin air’ heralds the end of traditional agriculture?
“Meaty” rice; new foodstuff will be hard to swallow
China makes advances in safer nuclear power
World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development
IFAD launches new Great Green Wall initiatives
Prolinnova Oversight Group has two new independent members
IFAD and Lesotho to jointly boost agricultural investment

Agriculture & Food
African Climate-Smart crops: improving malnutrition and creating export opportunities
MYCOHAB: waste vegetation, mushrooms & houses
Novel environmentally friendly ferti­liser from marine bacteria
African fertiliser and soil health summit

Education & Knowledge
Novel process for making net-zero cement

Health & Wellbeing
Revolutionary changes in Africa’s vaccine production capacity

Distributed Manufacturing
Protege BR Case Study
Robries Case Study
Wazi Vision Case Study

Engineering for Change
Six toolkits for gender-inclusive engineering

International Farmer Innovation Fair: a platform for promoting local innovation
“We share knowledge until one becomes an expert” – learning through the eyes of local women experts in child nutrition in Kenya

Sand Dams Worldwide
Sand Dams: A nature-based solution for the future

Tree Aid
Top 5 trees empowering women in rural Africa

Focus on the Pacific
Weather early warning systems for 5 Pacific Islands
Comprehensive, coordinated ecosystem protection in Pacific Islands
Programme to rehabilitate Pacific Islands’ transport infrastructure

Events Preview & Review
The Ashden Awards 2024 winners

Book Review
Walking Barefoot the Tilonia Way

Fab labs & Appropedia: Building a Better Tomorrow

Geothermal energy overview - correction

Events Calendar

Front Cover: Concrete tetrapods are used worldwide to protect coastal areas and major riverbanks from erosion. Credit Andy Crump (see pages 22-25)

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Category: Publisher's comments, Table of Contents

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